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A Christian friend of mine recently sent me an Email detailing the medicinal benefits of myrrh. I was aware in a general sense of the healing properties of this famous resin, which has long been known and used by doctors throughout the ancient world, but it was enlightening to see just how powerful a medicinal substance myrrh truly is. Below is an extract from that Email with a comment to the sender on how this supports a primary contention of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community and its founder, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, that Jesus (peace be upon him) survived the crucifixion – i.e., he never actually died on the cross, but was only unconscious when taken down from it – and that he completed his stated mission to gather and preach to the Lost Tribes of Israel. More information on this important topic can be found at: and . . . – Jonathan M.A.Ghaffar ---------------------------------------------------------------------...