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About the Book ... Kanz al-Ummal
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"Aishah (God be pleased with her) said that, in his illness in which he died, the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: `Every year Gabriel used to repeat the Quran with me once, but this year he has done it twice. He has informed me that there is no prophet but he lives half as long as the one who preceded him. And he has told me that Jesus lived a hundred and twenty years, and I see that I am about to leave this world at sixty' "
(Hajaj al-Kiramah, p.428; Kanz al-Ummal, vol. 6, p. 60, from Hazrat Fatima; and Mawahib al-Ladinya, vol. 1, p. 42).
The Tabrani says concerning this hadith: "Its narrations are reliable, and it is reported in a number of different versions". The hadith here leaves no room to doubt at all. It not only announces Jesus' death but gives his age as 120 years. And it is reported through at least three routes: from Aishah, Ibn Umar, and Fatima. This hadith is, therefore, sound and a very clear proof of Jesus' death.
ترجمہ:۔ حضرت نبی کریمﷺ نے فرمایا کہ یقینا عیسیٰ ابن مریم 120 سال تک زندہ رہاتھا۔اور میں غالبا60 سال کی عمر کے سر پر کوچ کروں گا ۔
حضرت مسیح موعود علیہ السلام فرماتے ہیں:۔ طبرانی اور حاکم حضرت عائشہ سے روایت کرتے ہیں کہعیسیٰ ایک
سو بیس برس تک زندہ رہا۔ اسی حدیث میں آنحضرت صلی اللہ علیہ و سلم فرماتے ہیں کہ عیسیٰ سے میری عمر آدھی ہے۔ اب ظاہر ہے کہ اگر حضرت عیسیٰ فوت نہیں ہوئے تو غالباً ہمارے نبی صلی اللہ علیہ و سلم بھی اب تک زندہ ہی ہوں گے۔‘‘
حضرت مسیح موعود علیہ السلام فرماتے ہیں:۔ طبرانی اور حاکم حضرت عائشہ سے روایت کرتے ہیں کہعیسیٰ ایک
سو بیس برس تک زندہ رہا۔ اسی حدیث میں آنحضرت صلی اللہ علیہ و سلم فرماتے ہیں کہ عیسیٰ سے میری عمر آدھی ہے۔ اب ظاہر ہے کہ اگر حضرت عیسیٰ فوت نہیں ہوئے تو غالباً ہمارے نبی صلی اللہ علیہ و سلم بھی اب تک زندہ ہی ہوں گے۔‘‘
The Prophet (pbuh) informed me (Hazrath Fatima) that any prophet that comes after another prophet lives half of the life of the prophet before him. And he said to me, Isa ibn Maryam lived for **120** years, so I see that I am going to leave (this world) as 60.
ReplyDelete**– Dala’il al-Nabuwwah 7:166 – Imam Bayhaqi (rh) **
Apart from Dala’il al-Nabuwwah, this statement and its variations
have been narrated in other sources like Musnad Ishaq, al-Ahad wa al-Mathani, Sharh al-Mushkil al-athar and Mujam al-Kabir.
"Aisha (ra) said that, in his illness in which he died, the Holy Prophet (sa) said: ‘Every year Gabriel used to repeat the Holy Quran with me once, but this year he has done it twice. He has informed me that there is no prophet but he lives half as long as the one who preceded him. And he has told me that Jesus lived **a hundred and twenty years**, and I see that I am about to leave this world at sixty’."
–** Kanz al-Ummal, vol. 6, p. 160 Narrated by Fatimatuz-Zahra (ra)**
Tabarani says concerning this hadith: "Its narrations are reliable, and it is reported in a number of different versions" Narrated by Aysha (ra)
– **Mu’jam Tabarani Kabeer Hadith 18464,**
– **Tarikh Damishq 47/481-482 Ibn Asaakir**
**– Ibn Saa’d’s Tabaqaat Al-Kubra (2/195)**
**– Mawahib al-Ladinya, vol. 1, p. 42 and Hujjaj al-Kiramah, p. 428**
In the **Mustadrak Al Hakim**, it is reported from Ibn Umar(ra) that Jesus lived to the age of 120 years.** – Tafsir Kamalain**
"As for what is related about the Messiah that he was raised up to heaven at the age of 33 years, there is no sound authority for this which one could turn to."
**– Zad al-Ma‘ad, vol. i, p. 20 Ibn al-Qayyim**
“If Jesus and Moses had been alive, they would have had no choice but to follow me.”
**– Kathir vol II, p 245 and al yawaqit wal Jawahir, part 2, page 24; Fath al-Bayan, vol. 2, p. 246; Tafsir Ibn Kathir, under verse 81 of Al Imran, Zurqani, Vol. VI, p. 54, Tibrani Kabeer.