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Showing posts from June, 2013

30 Verses from Holy Quran that proves the death of Isa (as)

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Migration of Jesus a.s

حضرت عیسیٰ ؑ نے فلسطین سے ہجرت کی حضور ﷺ نے فرمایا ’’اللہ تعالیٰ نے حضرت عیسیٰ ؑ کی طرف وحی کی کہ اے عیسیٰ ایک جگہ سے دوسری جگہ کی طرف نقل مکانی کرتا رہ تاکہ کوئی تجھے پہچان کر دکھ نہ دے ‘‘   (کنزالعمال جلد 3صفحہ 158) The Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, is reported to have said:- "Allah the Exalted revealed to Jesus, peace be upon him,- 'O Isa, continue to move from one place to another so that you might not be persecuted after being recognized." (Kanz-ul-ummal Chapter 1 in vol 3 page 158)  حضور ﷺ نے فرمایا حضرت عیسیٰ ؑ ہمیشہ سیروسیاحت کیا کرتے تھے اور جہاں شام پڑتی تھی جنگل کی سبزیاں کھاتے اور خالص پانی پیتے تھے (کنزالعمال جلد 2صفحہ 71)

Death of Jesus in Quran “reasonable and valid” Saudi religious scholar says Muslims are entitled to believe in it

( The Light & Islamic Review : Vol. 70; No. 3; May-June 1993, p. 9-10) In the Saudi Arabian newspaper  Arab News  (Saudi Arabia’s first English language daily), of 18 September 1992, one of the questions on the religious page ( Islam in Perspective , p. 9), asked by a reader from Jeddah, is as follows: “May I put to you a question that you have answered before: ‘Had the death of Jesus Christ preceded the miracle of his ascension?’ After reading your question in which you said that Jesus Christ did not die, I happened to read a book entitled  Deep into the Quran  by Dr. Kamal Umar, an eminent Pakistani author. He comes decidedly in favor of the view that Jesus Christ died a natural death. I am sending you a photocopy of the relevant pages, requesting you to clear the controversy.” The answers on the page are given by Adil Salahi, who replies to readers’ questions in other newspapers and magazines as well. His answer to this question is given below in full...

مسئلہ وفاتِ مسیح ۔۔۔

مُردوں کو زندہ کرنا ۔۔۔۔۔

فلما توفيتني كنت أنت الرقيب عليهيم .

The Tomb Of Jesus (as) At Srinagar

This article by  Hadhrat   Mirza   Ghulam  Ahmad (as), the Promised Messiah and Mahdi discusses the evidence that Jesus Christ (as) did not die on the Cross, but instead survived the crucifixion and migrated to India.  (Reprinted from the Review of Religions 1903)   After noticing briefly the evidence drawn from the Gospels and that furnished by the Ointment of Jesus(as) and the medical works pertaining to it, to the effect that Jesus(as) did not die on the Cross, we will now consider very important evidence showing that after being delivered from the Cross, Jesus(as) did not go up to Heaven but went to some other country. Before citing it however, we wish to draw the reader’s attention to the absurdity of the story of the ascension of Jesus (as).A thinking mind is repelled at the idea that Jesus (as), either before, or after his crucifixion, went up to Heaven and the mind rejects the story as evidently false. It is a strict Divine law preva...


PROPHET JESUS as  HAS DIED - INTRODUCTION TO THE SERIES There was a time when the circumstances surrounding the crucifixion of Hadhrat Jesus as  was a matter of great debate between Ahmadis and non-Ahmadi Muslims. Whereas Ahmadi Muslims believe Hadhrat Jesus as  was a prophet who died like all other human beings, a great majority of Muslims held the view that Hadhrat Jesus as  was taken to Heaven by Allah and a Jesus-look-alike was crucified by the Jews instead. Few non Ahmadi scholars today like to raise the topic of the death of Hadhrat Jesus as . To most it has become a non issue. They would rather vigorously propound their interpretation of khatam nabiyyin. It has become the "flavor of the month" so to speak. The majority of Muslims appear to be indifferent or just plain uninterested. A more interesting change in the attitude of Muslim scholars has been in the total abandonment of the belief that Hadhrat Jesus as  is alive in Heaven. Only recent...

Lord Krishna and Jesus Christ

Lord Krishna and Jesus Christ Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad (aba) The Review of Religions, October 1996 On 13 January 1996, on the occasion of the inauguration of a new Ahmadiyya centre in Leicester, UK, the Fourth Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Association in Islam, Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad, hosted a large session with guests representing various faiths. He gave enlightening answers to all the questions that were put to him. Presented below is an edited transcript of two questions raised at that session and the response to them by Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad. Transcribed by Amatul-Hadi Ahmad. Krishna - `I am the Beginning and the End' Questioner:  My question is about Lord Krishna (as). We Hindus treat Lord Krishna (as) as the creator, the preserver and the destroyer of all beings. As he himself said, 'of all the creations, I am the beginning and the end and the middle. I am unborn and without beginning. Though I am...

حضرت مسیح ناصری کی آمد ثانی

کامل شریعت قرآن کریم نے یہود و نصاری کے غلط عقائد کی طرف پرزور دلائل سے توجہ دلائی ہے۔ مثلاً یہ کہ جناب مسیح صلیب پر ہرگز نہ مرے تھے کہ ان کو جھوٹا اور لعنتی کہہ کر رد کر دیا جائے۔ اور نہ وہ زندہ ہو کر آسمان پر گئے اور نہ جسم عنصری کے ساتھ زمین کی طرف واپس آئیں گے کیونکہ حضرت مسیح نے واضح کر دیا تھا کہ : ’’آسمان پر کوئی نہیں چڑھا سو ا اس کے جو آسمان سے اترا یعنی ابن آدم جو آسمان میں ہے‘‘۔                                                                                         (یوحنا باب ۳ آیت ۱۳) اور فرمایا کہ:’’ میں آسمان سے اترا ہوں‘‘            (یوحنا باب ۶ آیت ۳۸) ’’ ہمارا وطن آسمان میں ہے‘‘۔                            (فلپی باب ۳ آیت ۲۰) ان بیانات میں ...

Jesus Son of Mary Islamic Beliefs

Islam is a religion which requires belief in not only the Prophethood of  Muhammad saw  but all the prophets of God, including Jesus ( Qur'an 2:137 ). The Holy book of Islam, the  Quran , relates in detail the story of Jesus, including his birth, mission as a Prophet to the Israelites, and his crucifixion. Muslims believe that this story is in harmony with the Bible too. Indeed, a whole chapter in the Qur'an is named after the mother of Jesus ( Chapter 19 - Maryam ).


The death of Hadhrat Jesus as  in Islamic Christology is a complex and controversial subject. In some Islamic circles, the crucifixion of Hadhrat Jesus as  was denied altogether. Instead, according to some Muslim scholars, Allah miraculously transformed a disciple of Hadhrat Jesus as  into the physical image of Hadhrat Jesus as , and the Jews crucified the disciple, thinking him to be Hadhrat Jesus as . This concept may be called the "Substitution theory." Hadhrat Jesus as , having been saved from such suffering and death, ascended to God in Heaven. As mentioned in the previous articles, the substitution theory and eventual physical ascension of Hadhrat Jesus as  is not substantiated by the Quran and Hadith. Rather, the Quran and Hadith is clear that Hadhrat Jesus as  died a natural death. However, the theory of substitution has figured prominently in Islamic tafsir literature. The purpose of this final part is to explain how the...