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30 Verses from Holy Quran that proves the death of Isa (as)

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Govt of India Documentary on Jesus in Kashmir

(Al Surah Al-Mu'minun 23:51)

If I say Jesus, may peace be on him, died of natural causes, it would appear strange to many ears, even though when the same is said about billions of other humans, it seems but obvious, and is taken for granted.
Sir Francis Bacon, who has remained extremely influential through his works, especially as philosophical advocate and practitioner of the scientific method during the scientific revolution, once advised, “Read not to contradict … but to weigh and consider.” I would invite everyone of Christian background to view the following video and read the materials provided with this premise, please.
Human memory leads to the illusion-of-truth effect, meaning that we are more likely to rate those statements true that we are familiar with, regardless of their veracity. As such familiarity impairs judgment and prevents people from noticing let alone accepting the obvious limitations in their views.
Familiar seems true and unfamiliar, however logical and rational, seems fictional.
With this prelude we invite you, to a 53 minute documentary, produced by the government of India showing how Jesus came to India to teach Dharma or religion. This video has been the most popular in the video section of the Muslim Times.
Click it to watch the full video 


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30 Verses from Holy Quran that proves the death of Isa (as)

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